Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for Monday, April 2, 2012

Breakfast: We call them egg boats. It's egg and pretty much whatever you want with egg (think omelet) in the center of a cut out, boat-shaped roll. Yesterday's combination was eggs, bacon (already cooked), asparagus (pre-cooked as well), and cheeses.

Lunch: I don't know that there was really an organized lunch, but I think some had ham sandwiches, using the ham left-over from Sunday's lunch. I had a piece of ham and a smoothie.

Dinner: We had guests over last night, and they're not from around here. So, we treated them to an all-Southern meal of country ham, grits and greens, biscuits, and stewed/fried apples. I'm afraid we gave them culture shock. They were good sports though, and ate everything!

After dinner we went over to our neighbors' house for ice cream! Oh, and to sign a petition for someone running for county commissioner. :) It was a wonderful ending to a good day.

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