Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Plan ahead

That is such a wonderful concept, and oh, so convenient... when I can remember to do it. Yesterday, I did it. Somewhat. Sort of.

Breakfast: Bacon, cream of wheat, cereal, etc.

Lunch: Tomato soup with macaroni noodles. That's my go-to meal when we're out of time, and are nearly out of everything -  including left-overs. Unfortunately, we're now pretty much out of tomato products (well, we still have a ton of paste, but that doesn't quite work...). Thankfully we're going to go grocery shopping Friday.

Dinner: I knew I was going to do something with chicken, so I'd gotten a whole chicken out and thawed in the morning. After sticking it in a sink of hot water (BEST way to thaw something quickly, by the way), I searched Pinterest for "whole chicken." THIS recipe came up, and was well reviewed in the comments. I love crockpot meals, so I thought I'd give it a try. I will admit that I was a bit skeptical. I usually cook whole chickens roasted in the oven so that the skin gets nicely browned. To my delight, this chicken turned out not too noticeably different from the oven roasted version, and, of course, the crock pot was a great deal easier to clean than the roaster! Along with that chicken, we had THESE rolls, and green beans. One tip: start the rolls before 4:45pm if you want to eat dinner before 7:00pm... Circumstances beyond my control prevented me from doing so. We ate late, but the rolls were good!

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